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As Country as Cornbread

I think the name says it all. There are very few dishes that are as synonymous to southern cooking as the humble cornbread. There is also no other dish as highly debated. How can cornbread cause an argument you ask? This staple is found all over the south and just about every family has their own recipe and each claims superiority over the other. Even the origins of cornbread are debated by historians. It is not just the matter of which recipe tastes better (more on that in a minute), but also the manner of how to properly eat the cornbread that can cause contention. Being a “dunker” or a “crumbler” of cornbread into pot likker (or is it liquour, or maybe it was milk?!) was even once considered a viable question to political candidates.

Now back to the recipe debate. Like I said there are many debates on cornbread such as flour vs no flour, but the biggest is over sugar. Are you a sweetened or unsweetened fan? Some say that you MUST add sugar to your cornbread recipe, while others say that it is more akin to mortal sin do even THINK of such a thing.

No matter what your stance is on which ingredients make the best cornbread, I am confident that there is one thing we can agree on, cornbread will always be one of the best dishes on the table!